Wednesday, 6 May 2009

Next BCS Volunteer Get-Together

Our very own dynamic Area Supervisor, DJ Phil, has been busy testing all the bars, clubs and restaurants in Birmingham city centre and has decided that 'The Green Room' cafe-bar is worthy of our patronage for the next BCS Volunteer get-together. It is in the Arcadian centre, close to where we first met in January and February and is directly opposite the Hippodrome Theatre.

We will be there from 17:00hrs on Sunday 10th May '09 and all BCS Volunteers are welcome. As always, no need to confirm, just turn-up, with or without friends and/or family - all are welcome. In the meantime, please give a little thought to what you would like us to organise for forthcoming evenings - salsa dancing is still on-the-cards, as is 'flower-arranging the DJ Phil way'.

As always, DJ Phil and Ellis P are always happy to field any questions etc..

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