Sunday, 10 January 2010

Recycling at Birmingham Christmas Shelter 2009

We have received the following information from our ace-recycler, Ted, at BCS 2009.

"Apparently more consumables were ordered than previously.

Weren't the meals wonderful?! :)

Especially as they were produced by different chefs and volunteers on different days; excepting Roy's consistency and Yvonne's


A maxi-bin was delivered, a number of green wheeled bins arrived (mixed recycling accepted). Paper and card baled or bagged.

Even the most careful management would not prevent some cooked food waste, bound for the maxi-bin.

Mr Phil Brook of Birmingham Waste Department appreciates our project and our management of "waste".


The maxi-bin - blacks sacks containing cooked food waste; non-recycle-able plastic wrapping; mixed material items e.g. cardboard container with metal base and rim; and the three nasties - black plastic and polystyrene and tetra paks; and grot. Not filled beyond level. Hooray!

10 wheeled bins mixed recycling metal and foil and plastics
2.5 bins separated green, brown, clear glass
3 dozen bales/bags card and paper (and old clothes)
12 half bags of compostable raw food

:( I am still unhappy at so many black sax.

During this year new legislation may appear to regulate container producers :)

My thanks to a few occaisional helpers without whom, etc. I "collapsed" on the 30th as, I expect, did many of you.


Saturday, 2 January 2010

A huge thank you to our volunteers

This is just a quick note to say thank you to all our amazing volunteers. The Trustees believe that this was a wonderful Shelter, with our new services, especially IT and Samaritans, working really well because of the energy and commitment of our volunteers.

One of our guests left us a letter of thanks that said:

"On behalf of all of us. To Birmingham Christmas Shelter. To all Trustees, Volunteers and Security Staff. On behalf of all the Homeless, Vulnerable, lonely people. We would all like to say a sincere thank you for all your hard work, dedication, patience and kindness for all you have done to make our Christmas a better experience.

"Most of us have had serious problems in our lives and we really do appreciate everything. We would also like to thank those people who have donated food etc. to this charity.

" To Jamie a big thank you from the bottom of our hearts for all your hard work. We wish you the best.

"This is from all of us."

In the next few days we will be uploading some videos to our Youtube channel and we will be blogging about the Shelter. In the meantime, the Lord Mayor of Birmingham, Michael Wilkes, has blogged about his alternative Christmas, including a visit to our Shelter.

Videos of our Christmas Shelter for 2008 are on-line at our Birmingham Christmas Shelter YouTube channel. You can also see some photos from the Lord Mayor's visit on our Birmingham Christmas Shelter Flickr site.