Sunday, 13 September 2009

Street Collection for BCS, and a note on fundraising

Yesterday we held our second street collection around the City Centre. Jamie had arranged everything with the Council and after he came down with Swine Flu, Ali organised our logistics on the day. However, alongside these two, a big thank you also goes to Roy for all his help in bagging and counting up the cash, and to Jo for staying to the end with him to help out!

Overall 25 volunteers went out to collect in locations from the Hippodrome to Snow Hill Station. We had 17 volunteers collect in the morning and 8 in the afternoon, and we are really grateful for our friends' energy and commitment. Although this was fewer volunteers than last year in all we collected £811.44 and this will make a real difference to our work at Christmas.

Our notable collector of the day was our new Trustee, Steve Johal, who raised £119.99. Great stuff!

One extra point-of-note is that our Fundraising Committee has this year worked so hard to exceed last year's total. We have been rewarded with two very positive responses, from Npower and Cadburys, and three more charitable trusts are considering our application to them for help.

Our "rainy" Dog walk was again a success, raising £631 to date. Zurich Insurance has also made another valued contribution this year.

Forthcoming events include Peter Brownjohn's "flower celebration" and Medini Richardson's "Bag packing". Lynne has done a fantastic job as Fundraising Committee Chair in raising valued funding for BCS and contributed to the largest single donation of £7000 in BCS history.

With Richard Hall's Lyke Wake Walk contribution, we have raised almost £11,000, before donations.

This is an amazing effort and we are so grateful for everyone's efforts.

Roll on Christmas.