Sunday, 20 April 2008

Fundraising sub-committee

We held a Trustee & Volunteer fundraising meeting on Saturday @ St Georges Post-16 centre. In attendance were Jamie Reynolds, Richard Hall, Mike Davey, Lynda Gibbon, Lynn Murray, Sandra Ward and Karen Everett, with apologies from Pol Davey.

So, the Trustees are pretty driven by the need to extend our fundraising beyond donations [which we still need and greatly appreciate!!!]. We were really pleased that a new fundraising committee has been formed to ensure the future financial security of the charity and to raise its profile. All those who attended have agreed to take an active roll and Jamie has agreed to coordinate.

We agreed to investigate the following points around fundraising and awareness-raising.
  1. Birmingham City Centre Street collection for Saturday 13th Sept 2008. If you are interested email
  2. Leaflet promotion, to local organisations e.g., Churches, mosques, Temples, Synagogues, Masons, Lions, Co-op, Golf clubs, Schools, Universities, Football clubs, Birmingham Bullets and Moseley Rugby Club.
  3. To look for active patrons for BCS.
  4. To investigate local industrial links, alongside community centres and libraries.
  5. To work up a plan for local, devolved and sponsored events, that can be held at the same time rather than in the same space.
  6. To attend the Woodgate Valley Urban Park Open Day on Sunday 8 June @ 11am. Come and meet us there!!
  7. To evaluate how Facebook, YouTube and Blogs might be used. You can join our Facebook BCS group.
We are so grateful to all who attended today, its was very motivating. The new board of Trustee's are very grateful for your time, commitment and energy!!!

Our next Meeting will be 7.30pm on Wed 7th May 2008, Venue to be arranged.