Sunday, 19 October 2008
Christmas 2008
Monday, 22 September 2008
Charity Dog Walk
Monday, 15 September 2008
Street Collection: fotos
Sunday, 14 September 2008
Street Collection: Saturday 13 September
It was also really great to see volunteers and friends whom we hadn't seen since last Christmas. The number of Volunteers who came along was excellent and it really helps the Trustees to know that so many people are able to help us out at key times throughout the year.
Monday, 18 August 2008
Walk a mile
We decided that July would be "Walk a Mile Month" for BCS, and encouraged all our volunteers to organise walks with friends, colleagues, workmates. We hoped for a minimum donation of a quid per person walking.
I organised a walk at De Montfort University at the start of the month and raised £100.
Special congratulations are due to Lynne Murray who raised £128.50 with her dog ‘walk a mile’! Special thanks are also due to Neil Foster, who produced the sponsor forms and posters. Lynne also presented a cheque to our Chair, Jamie for £500 from the Zurich Community Trust. Lynne had approached them and told them about BCS. This was a fantastic donation. Well done Lynne!
Thursday, 12 June 2008
Woodgate Valley Open Day
We raised £125.14, which was a great total, and we are so grateful for all of the voluntary contributions. This was a great test for the ideas raised by the new fundraising committee. Moreover, the day went really well for Woodgate Farm and we really feel we are building a good relationship with this excellent, a voluntary organisation (based on Alan's hard work).
Our next fund raising event will be our "Walk a mile" initiative in July. Watch this space!!
Wednesday, 28 May 2008
Woodgate Valley Urban Farm
It will be the first outing for our new banner/business cards, as we move towards a more professional approach to volunteering. Looking forward to seeing you there - the weather will be good so pack your suntan lotion...
Sunday, 25 May 2008
Minutes of the Trustees' Meeting of 10 May, 2008
Apologies for the late upload of these minutes... You just can't get the volunteers you know...
Mike, Richard, Ali and Jamie attended, although Ali had to leave early, and Pol/Russ gave their apologies.
Matters arising
In terms of matters arising from previous meetings we have contacted those great businesses who supported us last Christmas: Aubrey Allen; and Merrychef. Mike has also contacted the local Mosque to thank them.
Richard needs to transfer and sort the website, domain details, databases etc..
Jamie has brought the excellent Christmas card hand-painting to St George’s. We will be producing Christmas Cards based on this design and will house it at St George's as a celebration of time and support.
Woodgate Valley Urban Farm Open Day
Mike has contacted Woodgate Valley Urban Farm about our stall on Sunday 8 June. We are really pleased to have this opportunity to work with Woodgate at their open day. Ali has ordered some balloons and helium, and Richard has ordered some advertising materials. Mike is pretty effusive about the lie-of-the-land and what the Farm has to offer us.
Jamie and Ali will be speaking to recruitment agencies, and investigating a possibility or two that Ali has found.
Russell England resigned with immediate effect. Pol has forwarded a thank you letter to Russ on behalf of the Trustee and charity.
Ali has been formally welcomed to the board.
For the time being we have decided to use the strapline, "Where will you spend Christmas?"
Linda G has forwarded bullet points for an e-mail letter about our proposed “Walk a mile for the homeless” in July. Pol will formulate and distribute to all active Vol’s by e-mail or post.
There is a Street collection in Birmingham city centre on Sat 13th Sept 08. Our application has been received by council, and we are awaiting outcome. Sticker flags maybe used, and each donor will be given a business card. We thank that up to 50 volunteers may be needed on 2 shifts. We will be operating from 10am – 5pm. Active volunteers will be contacted by e-mail letter or post. If you are interested let us know.
Lynn M suggested that her daughter could advise the Fundraising committee as she has experience with similar organisations and fundraising. We are happy to accept these kind offers of support, so let us know what other skills you have.
We are considering BCS charity tins to be placed in local shops/businesses which sponsor and support BCS. We are also considering which local businesses to promote and advertise on our website
Potential Area SupervisorsAll potential new Area Supervisors have been contacted, and we are really pleased with the quality and commitment of our new supervisors.
Next meetings
There will be a joint Trustee and Area Supervisors Meeting Sat 5th July 08
The next Trustee’s Meeting is on Sat 7th June 08
Friday, 9 May 2008
Fundraising: Part 2
In Attendance were Jamie, Ali and Lynda, with apologies from me, Mike, Sandra, Karen and Lynn.
Action Points and whether or not they are Implemented (I) or On-going (O/g) are noted below. There are a lot of possibilities and a lot of activity.
1. Facebook Group and Blog set-up: I
2. Tag registered on YouTube, BCS: I
3. Group e-mail link for Fundraising Committee: O/g
4. Poster, Printing, setting & business cards: Trustees will discuss this on Saturday.
5. Youtube videos: o/g
6. Contact to be made with local football club supporters' trusts: o/g
1. Street collection application and confirmation received from City council: o/g
2. Circular, letter, leaflet for BCS promotion to local organisations: o/g
3. Local charity Patrons to be contacted: O/g
2. Woodgate valley: Not prudent to give gifts, suggest balloons, approx 200 visitors. Action: Balloons, helium, business cards and £10-£25 winning voucher to be purchased.
1. 1 mile sponsored walk: e-mail circular to active volunteers: o/g
2. Contact small local business, restaurant, hairdresser etc to advertise on BCS web site: o/g
3. Disco Lads: arranging meet O/g
Tuesday, 6 May 2008
New Trustee
However, the big news is that having taken up references and gone though a preliminary and final interview Ali is now a Trustee. We are really pleased about this because it is the diversity and unity of the Trustees that help give the Charity its vision and momentum, as well as its structure. Moreover, we need to spread the workload in a sustainable manner.
Again, much of our discussion covered fundraising, security during Christmas week and enhancing our overall impact and effectiveness. On the first of these points the fund-raising committee meets tomorrow night.
p.s. don't forget to join the Facebook group.
Our glorious leader:
Mike concentrates:
Sunday, 20 April 2008
Fundraising sub-committee
So, the Trustees are pretty driven by the need to extend our fundraising beyond donations [which we still need and greatly appreciate!!!]. We were really pleased that a new fundraising committee has been formed to ensure the future financial security of the charity and to raise its profile. All those who attended have agreed to take an active roll and Jamie has agreed to coordinate.
We agreed to investigate the following points around fundraising and awareness-raising.
- Birmingham City Centre Street collection for Saturday 13th Sept 2008. If you are interested email
- Leaflet promotion, to local organisations e.g., Churches, mosques, Temples, Synagogues, Masons, Lions, Co-op, Golf clubs, Schools, Universities, Football clubs, Birmingham Bullets and Moseley Rugby Club.
- To look for active patrons for BCS.
- To investigate local industrial links, alongside community centres and libraries.
- To work up a plan for local, devolved and sponsored events, that can be held at the same time rather than in the same space.
- To attend the Woodgate Valley Urban Park Open Day on Sunday 8 June @ 11am. Come and meet us there!!
- To evaluate how Facebook, YouTube and Blogs might be used. You can join our Facebook BCS group.
Our next Meeting will be 7.30pm on Wed 7th May 2008, Venue to be arranged.